About Us

Pride Liberation Project


We recognize the immense diversity in the LGBTQIA+ community. We know that the LGBTQIA+ rights movements have traditionally ignored Queer students of color, even though Queer people of color are disproportionately impacted by Queerphobia. We strive to recognize this interplay of system racism and Queerphobia in our organizing work


No student should be excluded from organizing work just because their parents or school doesn’t know that they’re Queer. All Queer students are welcome to join our organizing work, even if they’re closeted. We’re committed to working with any closeted student directly to implement the needed safeguards they need to safely participate in our organizing. It’s why a majority of our leadership team is closeted in some capacity.

If you want to get involved with our organizing work but are concerned with safety, email general@prideliberation.org and we’ll work with you to protect your privacy.


In Fairfax County, Virginia, fifty percent of LGBTQIA+ students are depressed. That’s likely an undercount: it doesn’t include transgender students.

Elected officials didn’t take action, and there was no Queer organizing project that centered students, people of color, and gender expansive students. We were tired of waiting, so we started organizing. LGBTQIA+ students who were transgender, people of color, and gender-expansive came together in March 2021 to create the Pride Liberation Project. 

No student should be excluded from organizing work just because their parents or school doesn’t know that they’re Queer. All Queer students are welcome to join our organizing work, even if they’re closeted. We’re committed to working with any closeted student directly to implement the needed safeguards they need to safely participate in our organizing. It’s why a majority of our leadership team is closeted in some capacity.

If you want to get involved with our organizing work but are concerned with safety, email general@prideliberation.org and we’ll work with you to protect your privacy.

Past Work

Early Days

In June 2021, Fairfax County Public Schools passed some of the most comprehensive protections for LGBTQIA+ students. They included bans on malicious deadnaming and misgendering, protections to maintain privacy for closeted students, and more inclusive sexual education curricula.

Summer 2021

Throughout summer 2021, we began expanding our footprint in Fairfax County. Our membership exceeded 100 members, and we collaborated with organizations like Safe Space NOVA to hold support groups for LGBTQIA+ students. Those support groups continue today, and now even include an Ask a Therapist group

Fall 2021

In June 2021, Fairfax County Public Schools passed some of the most comprehensive protections for LGBTQIA+ students. They included bans on malicious deadnaming and misgendering, protections to maintain privacy for closeted students, and more inclusive sexual education curricula.


In 2022, we expanded our capacities to be prepared for an onslaught of anti-Queer legislation. 2021 was already a record year for anti-trans legislation, and the newly elected 2022 Virginia legislature was willing to pass Queerphobic legislation. In response, we assembled the first ever student-led state-wide LGBTQIA+ lobbying group in Virginia. With thirty students across Virginia, we testified to the General Assembly, traveled to Richmond to personally lobby against bathroom and athlete bans, and successfully contributed to the effort to defeat all anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation in the 2022 Virginia legislative session. 

We also mobilized hundreds of students to demand more student input before FCPS appointed a new Superintendent. We organized walkouts of hundreds of students at multiple schools, released a petition with 400+ student signatures, collaborated with community partners like the NAACP Fairfax and Fairfax Alliance for Black School Educators (FABSE), and published another Washington Post Op-ed. Unfortunately, FCPS confirmed its new Superintendent over vocal community opposition. Nonetheless, we secured significant victories, including commitments for renewed student voices.

Most importantly, we raised 2500+ dollars for an outed FCPS student who was in crisis with the support of our community!


Moving Forward

We’re still expanding our team across Virginia to become a force for progressive change. We’re hopeful that we can achieve significant reforms in the next school year for FCPS and Virginia students. We hope you’ll join us!